Bank anytime and anywhere with Metamora State Bank Mobile Banking App!
Go to the Apple Store or Google Play to download your app today.
- FREE – The best feature of all is that this is a FREE app that will benefit all banking customers.
- Card On/Off Feature – If you misplace or lose your debit card, you can launch your mobile app and turn your card off instantly. If later you find your card, you can then go back in and turn your card back on. This is an excellent security feature that protects you while traveling or going out.
- Text/Email Alerts – You can set up security features on your phone that will text/email you when there is unusual activity on your account. These alerts include login/password changes, transfers in dollar amounts above your set threshold and more.
- AutoLogin – This allows you to set up your mobile banking so that when you launch your app, your balances screen comes up without requiring a login. On this screen, you are only allowed to view balances and see your last few transactions. If at any point you want to do more, you just touch the screen and it will prompt you to login. NOTE: If you use this feature, it is highly recommended that you update your phone to require some type of security passcode to access your phone.
- Location/Contact Us – You are able to get location and contact information as well as our banking hours with just the touch of a finger. The contact information includes phone numbers to both branches, credit card number, and AFTER HOURS debit card number. You can access these from the mobile app without logging in; making it convenient and extremely accessible.
- MOBILE DEPOSIT – Capture and deposit checks right on your phone! Just choose “Deposit” from your menu and follow the easy on-screen instructions to deposit your check. Remember to endorse your check with the payee signature and also “For MSB MOBILE deposit only”. It is important to have this information on your check or your deposit will be rejected.
To access MSB MOBILE you must have online banking services with Metamora State Bank. If you are not already an online banking customer please go to the home page, click on first time user and go through the setup. It’s quick, easy, and so convenient you’ll wonder why you hadn’t done it before!!
No one knows agricultural customers like MSB.
The Metamora State Bank promotes local commerce by providing credit to businesses, including our agricultural community. We offer loans for real estate purchases, facility construction, business equipment purchases, short-term working capital lines of credit, and agriculture loans.