Maintaining steady deposit balance in your Business Checking account?
Sign up for MSB BusinessPlus Checking and enjoy the benefits today.
- First 200 checks written free (25¢ per check after 200)
- Checks held in safe keeping
- 6 copies of checks free per year ($2.00 per check after 6)
- Monthly statement
- Access to Internet Banking
- A minimum of $50.00 to open the account
- A charge of $30.00 will be applied if the account is closed within 6 months of opening
- A monthly maintenance fee of $10.00 unless the following condition is met:
- Maintain a minimum daily balance of $500.00
With MSB Choice Checking, you decide how you want to eliminate the monthly maintenance fee.
- Maintain a minimum daily balance of $300.00.
- OR Have Direct Deposit into the account.
- OR Receive E-Statements.